Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Parenting: Discussing Pornography with a Teenager

A frequent question that crops up, particularly among parents of teenagers, is what they should do when they find obscene pictures or reading matter in the possession of their youngster. G. Robert Carlsen offers this advice to parents who encounter this problem: “When you discover a copy of a lurid book, a girlie magazine, a dirty joke book concealed in your teenager’s room or notebook, do not act with emotion or embarrassment. He is not some strange monster, nor are his interests unnatural. He is fascinated by this material because he has heard about it from friends. He wants to find out for himself. Making a scene, destroying the material, accusing him of shameful desires, will not necessarily decrease his interest. It may only make him more clever in hiding it from you and plant the notion in his mind that he somehow is twisted and perverted.”

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