A frequent question that crops up, particularly among parents of teenagers, is what they should do when they find obscene pictures or reading matter in the possession of their youngster. G. Robert Carlsen offers this advice to parents who encounter this problem: “When you discover a copy of a lurid book, a girlie magazine, a dirty joke book concealed in your teenager’s room or notebook, do not act with emotion or embarrassment. He is not some strange monster, nor are his interests unnatural. He is fascinated by this material because he has heard about it from friends. He wants to find out for himself. Making a scene, destroying the material, accusing him of shameful desires, will not necessarily decrease his interest. It may only make him more clever in hiding it from you and plant the notion in his mind that he somehow is twisted and perverted.”
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Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Garden Spinach Health Benefits
(Spinacia oleracea) Garden Spinach is an annual which belongs to the plant family Chenopodiaceae. In good soil the plant puts out a luxuriant growth of succulent edible leaves that are rich in iron, vitamin C and other minerals. It grows from 30 to 60 cm. high. The leaves grow from the base of the plant in an alternate rosette form and are narrowly oblong. The male flowers are on spikes and the sessile or stalk-less female flowers are located in the axils of the leaves.
Parts Used: The leaves and leaf-stalks
alternative medicine,
herbal medicine,
natural remedies,
Monday, April 11, 2011
Exercise Regimen for Pregnant Women
“Does a pregnant woman need to exercise?”
Pregnancy is a physically demanding state. You need to stay in shape and possess stamina and energy to cope with your bodily changes. Being as physically fit as you are is a big advantage.
When a woman is pregnant, the heart’s work load increases. Because of your fine state of health, you are well equipped to meet the demands of carrying a baby.
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Musk Mallow Medicinal Properties
(Abelmoschus moschatus) Musk mallow belongs to the plant family Mavaceae. It is an annual plant, growing up to 1 meter high, covered with long, stiff hairs. The leaves are polymorphus, more or less cordate or heart-shaped, alternate, 3-7 deeply lobed, with toothed-margins. The flowers are yellow, orange or red. The fruit is a hairy oblong capsule containing many fragrant brown or black kidney-shaped seeds that have a pleasant taste. It grows in most tropical countries.
Part Used: The seeds
Active Principles: Beta sitosterol, myricetin, campesterol, stigmasterol, cholesterol, ergosterol, acetic acid, ambretiolic acid and essential oils
Garden Rue Medicinal Properties
(Ruta graveolens) Ruta is a hardy shrubby plant which bears an ash-green color. The leaves emit a very strong, disagreeable odor and have a bitter, nauseating taste. The tiny leaves are arranged alternately on the stem and the yellow flowers are terminally located.
Parts Used: The leaves and stems
Caution: Pregnant women should not use this plant internally as it could lead to abortion or even death.
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Caution: Pregnant women should not use this plant internally as it could lead to abortion or even death.
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alternative medicine,
herbal properties,
ruta graveolens
Soya Oat Patties
"An increasing number of people, young and old, want to return to a simpler way of life, and they are exploring healthful living through a vegetable diet."
2 cups soaked soya beans (about 2/3 cup dry soya beans)
1 cup water
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1/8 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 onion
2 tablespoons brewers’ yeast
2 tablespoons oil
1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Careers in Nursing
The need for nurses has skyrocketed in recent years. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, at the beginning of the 21st century, registered nurses (RNs) made up the largest health-care occupation in the United States, with 2.2 million jobs. Licensed practical nurses (LPNs) held about 700,000 jobs. Nursing assistants (NAs) held about 1.4 million jobs, psychiatric aides about 65,000 jobs, and home-health aides about 615,000 jobs. Employment opportunities are expected to continue to grow in the coming years. Retiring nurses will need to be replaced. There will be a rapidly growing population of older people, who tend to experience more-serious illness and other health-related difficulties than do younger patients, and thus require more assistance through nursing and other medical resources. Growing emphasis will be placed on preventive medicine, which will also fuel the growth in jobs.
health jobs,
nursing assistant
Changeable Hibiscus Medicinal Properties: Cough Remedy and Skin Lotion
(Hibiscus mutabilis) Changeable Hibiscus is a shrubby plant without any prickles and belongs to the plant family Malvaceae. The branches of the plant are covered with woolly matted hairs. The leaves are cordate, long petioled, suborbicular and 5-7 lobed. The flower are located in the axils or at the terminal ends. They are 7.5-10cm. across. The unique feature of the floweris that it is white when it first opens and then gradually changes its color to pink. Finally, before nightfall it turns to bright pink or red. This feature has given the plant its well-selected species name, mutabilis, meaning ability to change. The capsules are globose, flattened and hairy. The seeds are reniform or kidney shaped.
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